是否进口:否 | 产地:上海 | 加工定制:是 |
品牌:固宇 | 型号:GY-200T | 用途:喷涂 |
涂装速度:快 | 规格:22-1200mm |
上海固宇设备自动化有限公司13621662903 供应山东喷漆机GY-PQ-A日产200T油管喷漆机
日产200T油管喷漆机适用产品规格 product range
钢管外径 steel pipe OD: ? 168~355 mm
钢管壁厚 steel pipe thickness: 10-30mm
钢管长度 steel pipe length: 6000-12000mm
日产200T油管喷漆机钢管表面状况要求pipesurface condition requirement
进入本设备的钢管管端无毛刺,管体表面无水、无锈、无油污。There should be no burr on ends and no water,rust and oil dirt on pipes which run into this equipment.
工作环境条件和公辅参数 working environment, male andauxiliary specs
1自然条件natural requirements
车间内极限温度highest temperature in work shop: 40℃
车间内极限***温度lowest temperature in work shop: -10℃
大气压air pressure: 常压ordinary pressure
抗震设计强度shock strength: 8级 level 8
2电力供应条件electrical power requirements
电压等级voltage level:
三相 3P 380V± 10%
频率frequency:工作频率workingfrequency 50Hz,波动范围fluctuation range 49.0~50.5Hz。
装机总容量install total power:85KW
3公辅条件和辅助材料消耗 male and auxiliaryrequirements and auxiliarymaterial consumption
(1)空气动力要求air force requirement
序号 No. | 名称name | 数量 qty | 压力pressure | 流量flow | 管径尺寸pipe diameter | 位置location | 备注remark |
1 | 压缩空气pressed air | 1 | 0.4-0.6MPa | 1 m3/min | DN25 |
(2)油漆消耗指标paint consumption index
油漆总利用率paint utilization: ≥95%
漆膜厚度paint film thickness : 15~35μm
上海固宇主要产品有:钢管除锈机、喷丸机、喷码机、喷标机、高压无气喷涂机、水压试验机、缩口机、数控机床辅机等一些非标生产线, 石油套管行业的测长称重喷标整套流水线。